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Securing schools for our young people.

Delivering preventative actions to ensure the safety of children, staff, and families.

Aerial view of Lauderdale Primary School, Tasmania

Alexander James & Partners were appointed by the Department for Education, Children and Young Persons (DECYP - Tasmania) to identify opportunities and strategies for enhancing and strengthening its existing security and emergency management (SEM) arrangements.

DECYP’s executive commitment to growing its SEM and Protective Security Policy (PSPF) capability and maturity across its diverse service portfolio enabled AJP to succesfully address the needs of the Agency, its workforce, and the wider education community.

Our approach focussed on determining the suitability and effectivenes of existing security and emergency management arrangements / controls across DECYPs service areas - enabling us to establish a baseline from which to identify and prioritise areas of improvement.

Our audit and analysis of SEM, Protective Security, and Risk Management policies, procedures and arrangements was underpinned by current recognised good practice principles and standards, including national and state-level security requirements such as the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF).

AJP provided DECYP with a series of strategies, including a Capability Roadmap and Implementation Plan that provided DECYP with a structured approach to building their SEM and PSPF capability and maturity.

Creating a safe and secure environment that compliments the foundation of safer schools standards, drives a commitment to safeguarding children, protects critical assets and secures an essential service was a prerequisite for the scope of the project.

Services provided:

  • Audit of Agency Security & Emergency Management arrangements and protocols

  • Review of DECYP’s Security & Emergency Management Policies and Framework

  • Agency level SEM Capability and Maturity Gap Analysis

  • Development of Agency Capability and Maturity 5 year Roadmap

  • Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) Gap Analysis and Maturity Assessment

  • Development of a PSPF Compliance Roadmap

  • Review of Agency Crisis, Emergency Management and Business Continuity Framework

  • Provision of SEM authoritative advice and recommendations to Agency Executive Committee.

Would you like to know more about our security and risk management services?

Contact our team to learn more about this project and how Alexander James & Partners can help secure your essential services & facilities.

“AJP worked with us over a 12 month period in 2022-23, always to our timeframes, undertaking a strategic security and emergency management review, in the context of significant organisational change.

Their approach was informed and intuitive. They took the time to gather relevant background about our Department and conducted their review and analysis easily with a wide range of stakeholders. 

With their extensive experience they produced their findings and recommendations to support safer and more streamlined Departmental service delivery.

Their personable approach and obvious expertise made them easy to work with, and I confidently recommend them for this kind of work – it is their forte”

Kate D - Security & Emergency Management